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>> Is it normal, that I cannot access the output filters of your FIR modul in the Lake Controller?
No, that’s not normal.
In the project file you sent through, you’re using the “Legacy (General)” IIR mode. Change this to “Lake” and set your HPF in the Lake mode.
The plugin screen-shot shows “Data Set” “Yes” for “Out 3”, but “-” for Sample Rate and the number of biquads. This is a clue that data is not going through. (We will look into that here.)
I’d suggest:
– Run FIR Designer and open two extra windows using menu “Project” -> “New Window”
– Set each window to a “Design Sample Rate” of 48 kHz, 24 kHz and 12 kHz respectively.
– In each window, set a different parametric filter in the “Lake” IIR mode and set the FIR filter length to 384 samples
– Open the Lake DTP window “Export to Lake FIR 3-way module,” connect to the module then
— In “Use FIR Designer Window” select the 12 kHz window and press push “Delay, IIR + FIR” to “Out 1”
— In “Use FIR Designer Window” select the 24 kHz window and press push “Delay, IIR + FIR” to “Out 2”
— In “Use FIR Designer Window” select the 48 kHz window and press push “Delay, IIR + FIR” to “Out 3”
If this is successful, the “Sample Rate” and “Biquads” column should show numbers for the output channels, and not show “-“.
Let me know how you go.
Best regards,
EA Support