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Ok…. phew…. there is no problem after all. It’s just the order of operations that is important in FIR Designer. (Note: FIR Designer M, being multiway, handles all of this in one step, rather than the following.)
1. Start the Lake Controller, load the FIR 3-way onto an amp module and press CNTRL-L to load the plugin. A message will appear saying the plugin has loaded.
2. Start FIR Designer and open 4 windows (using the menu “Project” -> “New Window” each time).
– Window 1 will be for the input IIRs
– Window 2 will be for output channel 1
– Window 3 will be for output channel 2
– Window 4 will be for output channel 3
3. Either load previously made projects or set up each FIR Designer window’s processing as desired. Ensure that:
– All window FIR filters have a length <= 384 taps
– Window 1 “Design sample rate” is 96 kHz.
– Window 2 “Design sample rate” is 12 kHz.
– Window 2 “Design sample rate” is 24 kHz.
– Window 2 “Design sample rate” is 48 kHz.
Note 1: the Lake FIR 3-way module has specific output sample rate requirements. Output channels must be 12, 24 and 48 kHz OR one at 48 kHz and the other two any combination of 12 and 24 kHz.
Note 2: my previous message above was incorrect. The IIR mode can be any brand. Biquad coefficients for the IIR filters (from any brand) will be pushed to the Lake module.
4. In FIR Designer, open the Lake DTP “Export to Lake FIR 3-way module” window.
5. In the “Export to Lake FIR 3-way module” window
a) For “Use FIR Designer Window,” choose Window 1 then press the Push “IIR Filters” button. The Input Sample Rate will show “96000” and a biquads number will appear.
b) For “Use FIR Designer Window,” choose Window 2 then press the Out 1 Push “Delay, IIR + FIR” button. The Out 1 Sample Rate will show “12000” and a biquads number will appear.
c) For “Use FIR Designer Window,” choose Window 3 then press the Out 1 Push “Delay, IIR + FIR” button. The Out 2 Sample Rate will show “24000” and a biquads number will appear.
d) For “Use FIR Designer Window,” choose Window 4 then press the Out 1 Push “Delay, IIR + FIR” button. The Out 3 Sample Rate will show “48000” and a biquads number will appear.
Prior to step 5.d), all the data is cached in the Lake Controller plugin but hasn’t yet been sent to the Lake FIR 3-way module. When step 5.d) happens, the plugin has all the necessary data and pushes everything to the module.
Now the module is ready for measuring.
Our apologies for the hassle. The module requires data to be set for every output channel, hence the need for multiple FIR Designer windows/projects. Again, things are much simpler in FIR Designer M since it already has all multiway channel data ready.
(We’ll check that our YouTube video covers all these steps.)
Best regards,
EA Support