My Setup:
OS: Mac OS 10.15.7
Speaker Measure Version 1.0.0 ( Mac )
First, since there isn’t a dedicated forum for the new Speaker Measure, I’ll post my question here.Thank you so much for taking out the time and effort to make this application.
I am following the setup process as described in the SpeakerMeasure with AES75 Quick Start Guide.pdf.
When I get to the Calibration step and select the ” SPL Calibration ” option, and try clicking on “Start”, the calibration process does not start.
The black rectangle next to the RMS level (dB re 0 dBFS) field has turned yellow with two black stripes.
All controls on the app are greyed out and the Stop button does nothing.
I have waited 5 seconds and even 5 minutes for the calibration to complete.
Please let me know if I am missing something.
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