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Hi Helge,
>> Also, is there a way of making the LM behave as a 2 in/6 out with the FIR module from Eclipse?
>> I got an error message when I tried to load the open module in module B saying I had to load it in module A.
>> It loads in module A setting up LM26 as a 1 in/3 out processor.
I don’t know specifically about the LM26 but on the original PLM amplifiers (not the PLM+), a FIR 3-way replaces two classic modules, and so must be loaded into module A. These PLM’s cannot run XP modules and cannot run two FIR 3-way modules, and from what you describe I suspect your LM26 is similar.
>> I tested FIR Designer M with Lake LM26 last night.
>> I have successfully loaded all 3 outputs in my design LM26 by loading them one at a time from a new, empty project.
Sorry, I’m a bit confused. FIR Designer M pushes all channels, and input IIR’s, to the Lake module at once. How are you loading them into the LM26 one at a time?
>> Lake Controller error code 2.
>> A invalid parameter was provided.
The Lake FIR 3-way has specific sample rate requirements. The input IIR’s run at 96 kHz. The output channels can be any combination of 12 and 24 kHz OR uniquely 12,24 & 48 kHz (in any order). These samples rates can be set on the FIR Designer M “Setup” tab. Even if no input IIR’s are used in your design, the input sample rate must be set to 96 kHz.
If none of this helps, email us the system (FDS) and channel (FDP) files, and we’ll take a look.
Best regards,
EA Support