Support Forums Forums FIR Designer Support DirecTout Prodigy.MP or Outline Newton Reply To: DirecTout Prodigy.MP or Outline Newton

    26 September 2024 at 7:43 am #915

    In the globcon software, go to Help -> Documentation and search for CSV. It has a section “CSV File Format” which states the CSV file must be text with 2 columns – the first column frequency and second column magnitude – and with the the first line “FREQUENCY,MAGNITUDE”. “NOTE: CSV files to be imported in Custom EQ currently cannot contain any phase information; only magnitude curves are valid. Import of complex custom filters with phase information might be implemented in the future.” You can make these files yourself for testing.

    Our products can import responses as CSV files or TXT files in freq|mag, freq|mag|phase or freq|mag|phase|coherence and use them as the basis for the filter design. Our products can also export FIR filters as CSV and TXT, but these are a single column of coefficient values. On, see the “Import|Export” menu for more details.

    We’d love to collaborate with DirectOut and we spoken with them on a few occasions, including at InfoComm. If you have contacts and can nudge them along, we’d be very appreciative.

    EA Support