Support Forums Forums FIR Designer M Support Converting exported FIR’s to a different file format

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    • 26 September 2022 at 8:23 pm #566

      >> Hello,
      >> I have a number of FIR filters I made for a client and exported them in Powersoft
      >> and Qsys formats CSV. I do not have all the original project files… I know thats
      >> not good. But now the client wants them in Xilica format…… Is there a way to
      >> open and export the FIR filter for Xilica TXT from Excel or inside the program…
      >> I’m a bit lost now…. I wish there was a way to open the FIR Ive already done and
      >> just export the same data in the correct row, comma, for Xilica

      FIR format conversion is a feature we have on the TODO list, but in the meantime….

      The Powersoft and Q-SYS formats are plain text, so you can load them in Excel, play with display formatting to match Xilica and save again as TXT. (Xilica is another TXT format. For an example, just create any FIR filter and export.)

      Another option is to start a new blank system in FIR Designer M, load one of your existing filters into a channel’s “Target” tab then use any of the FIR workflow tabs to morph the impulse (from the Import tab) to match the Target, then export the result. It won’t be perfectly the same but may be close.

      Best regards,
      EA Support

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