Should I have to get a refund for “FIR CREATOR EX”, and consider buying “FIR DESIGNER” or “FIR DESIGNER M”?
Or do you have the know-how to flatten the low frequency range (20Hz – 100Hz) sufficiently with “FIR CREATOR EX”?Background of inquiry:
I have purchased “FIR CREATOR EX”.
I used Auto Mag and Auto Phase, but could not flatten the low frequency range sufficiently.
When I used “FIR DESIGNER M” before, I could flatten it enough.I think the only difference between “FIR CREATOR EX” and “FIR DESIGNER M” is ‘Filter length’.
“FIR CREATOR EX” has a length of up to 16384, also “FIR DESIGNER M” has a length of 65535.All our products have the same maximum filter lengths. The default FFT size is 32768 which results in a maximum filter length of 16384. To increase this, in the menu, select “Preferences”, then under “This Project / This Window” select 131072 and press OK.
To use this length all the time, in “Preferences” under “For New Windows and New Projects”, for “Transform size” select a larger transform size, press OK and restart FIR Creator EX.
Best regards,
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