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    • 12 November 2023 at 6:34 am #734

      >> A friend gave me the opportunity to play around with FIR Designer M, and honestly I am very
      >> confused about the workflow. Maybe you can bring some clarity? The first point is that I
      >> absolutely don’t understand how the target response feature is supposed to work.

      If you download the demo version from the website, it has a pre-loaded system file that demonstrates all of the following….

      >> Let’s say I’m a manufacturer, so I have standard target curves for each loudspeaker type.
      >> I would add this target curve as a System Target, so far so good.

      Yes, that’s the intention.

      >> I would then expect the workflow to work like this:
      >> Go to “Channels” -> Target and decide about the Channel targets responses.

      The channel target can be used to force the channel to have a specific crossover response (particularly using “FIR Auto Mag” and “FIR Auto Phase” tabs). The channel target is not strictly necessary and some users don’t use this; they just design the preset towards the System Target. To ensure the Channel Target doesn’t have any effect, just leave the Channel Target response flat.

      >> The main point is that I cannot see the sum of the target responses!
      >> It is very difficult to design target responses without seeing whether they’ll
      >> match the actual System target.

      Actually the sum of the System and Channel target is displayed on every tab in the workflow. For example, on the channel IIR filters tab, the lower plot shows the target magnitude and phase.

      >> Additionally, I’m missing the individual channel responses in the Channels->Target view.
      >> It would be much easier to design a target for a channel if you could see the actual
      >> channel response (because to some degree, your target degree must match the raw channel response).

      The lower plot in the Channel Target tab shows the System target, and shows each of the elements – Curve, Mag, Phase, File – of the channel target, for the selected channel; see the “Edit Channel” setting in the top-left. In the lower plot, Combined is plot is the sum of the System Target plus all the channel target elements. (It’s true that this tab doesn’t show the channel targets for other channels, but you change Edit Channel to see the other channels.)

      >> Furthermore, which is also very confusing: Why is the channel target MULTIPLIED with
      >> the System Target? Say my System Target is completely flat with a IIR Butterworth HPF 3rd
      >> Order @ 80Hz. For my LF channel, I would of course set this very same filter as HPF to
      >> match the system response. But now if you turn on “combined” you will see a much steeper
      >> slope, because System Target and Channel Target are multiplied.

      The System Target is typically used for the overall desired system response. The Channel Target is typically used for pushing each loudspeaker driver, in a multi-way, towards a specific and defined crossover responses. In your example, just set the System Target to a IIR 80 Hz Butterworth HPF 3rd order response and leave the Channel Target responses flat.

      Then on the IIR filters tabs (for each channel), set a 80 Hz Butterworth HPF 3rd order filter. You’ll then see (on the IIR Filters tab lower plot) that the channel response matches the target! Note that if all multi-way channels need the same filter, on the IIR Filters tab, check “Input”. This tells FIR designer to use the same filter on all channels.

      >> I have some other suggestions, but I would first like to get this point sorted out.
      >> Have I misunderstood the workflow? I tried looking for Tutorials, but there don’t
      >> seem to be any for FIR Designer M.
      >> I have tried version 4.0.9

      The FIR Designer M v1 over video on

      FIR Filter Design Tutorials

      is a good starting point.

      Then if you wish to use Channel Target’s for forcing specific crossover response with FIR filters, take a look at the 2-way tutorial.

      Designing FIR Crossover Filters for 2-Way Loudspeaker

      This tutorial uses FIR Designer 1 for each channel, but it demonstrates the concept of pushing each channel to a desired crossover target. This is a unique approach with our products.

      Best regards,
      EA Support

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