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    • 5 December 2022 at 1:41 pm #596

      >> Hi,
      >> I am using SigmaStudio to control my DSP, Analog Devices SHARC SC589. Up till now, I
      >> have been using the SigmaStudio “analog/linear” modules, and now I want to test FIR instead.
      >> My primary objective is now to build a phase linear Linkwitz-Riley 24dB/octave crossover filter.
      >> I am using rePhase to generate the impulse files.
      >> In SigmaStudio, there is a FIR module that need a parameter list, and I wanted to use your
      >> FIR Designer Demo to generate this list and test my understanding. However, I realise now
      >> that the Demo will not do this for me.
      >> So I have to ask you, am I on the right track?
      >> Most of the information on the web requires me to read and understand the details first in
      >> order to get the whole picture, while I prefer the opposite, to understand the whole picture
      >> first and then dig in to the details. This make life difficult.


      Yes, in demo mode it’s not possible to export filters/files. (The exported filters are key to the value of our products, so we can’t make exports available for free.) If you would like run a few tests, from the Help menu in the demo version, selected “Save Project Diagnostics,” email us the file and we can send you a filter file.

      Regarding Sigma Studio, FIR filters can be exported from any of our products as text files and copied into the FIR Filter block or loaded using the Load button.

      Also, the IIR tab of FIR Designer can export raw coefficients for all IIR filters to a summary txt file, and the raw coefficients can be entered in this block.

      I realise you’re mainly interested in linear-phase crossovers but the this article gives an idea of the “whole picture.”

      FIR Filter Guide

      Best regards,
      EA Support

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