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    • 2 December 2021 at 5:43 am #367

      Hi all,

      I just bought the app a few weeks ago.

      This is my first time playing with FIR.

      I am using it with XTA DP 448 to linear my 2 ways speaker’s phase. My aim is to flatten the phase from about 200hz without changing the p

      I have some question:

      1. In my XTA, output 1 is for woofer; im using XTA’s IIR as HPF at 100hz, and linear LP with FIR. When I measure and upload it to FIR Designer, do I need to open all filter in the XTA and emulate simulation via IIR filter tab inside the app? Or can I run HPF in XTA and measure as normal? does it make any different?

      2. My aim is to flatten the phase from about 200hz without changing the phase from IIR HPF at 100hz. I have been having difficulty to achieve this!!
      All the simulation in the app and the final result is totally difference, for example a cut with LW 8th or a brickwall at 350hz will yield real result about 600hz!! that is almost 300hz overshoot!! It took me hours just to get this right.

      Moreover is very difficult to get the phase flat and at 0 degree! In the simulation all looks nice then when u upload it, it all messed up!! it is not flat at all or at 0 degree!! is there any tips how to achieve what i want?

      3. In fir export tabs; FIR length means actual tabs used in the DSP but what is filter delay? how to find good enough setting for my need? what to see in the graph? More example will be great but the tutorial online is bare minimum!

      4. Auto mag is useless, when it is on, it always messed up my amplitude! so it is always off.

      Hope someone can help me to understand this app better.

      Here are some of my measurement screeshots, etc.

      AS YOU CAN SEE, the result and simulation is totally different!!

      Thank you.

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