Support Forums Forums FIR Designer Support Hypex Amps and PMC’s

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    • 16 November 2024 at 12:08 am #944

      Hello from Japan,, I have two Hypex Amps that I use to run some studio monitors that are custom made. Basically I have reverse engineered the PMC Mb2s XBD monitor using all the correct drivers to the exact specifications. A friend used speaker modeling software ,vortex I think to install into the DSP . The results are good but there are some issues.

      My question is, can I duplicate the PMC crossover and correct frequency responses and import them into my DSP using your software? To be perfectly honest I haven’t much experience using this sort of software, so how involved is this possess? Thanks and all the very Best.

      You can electrically measure the passive PMC crossovers (using other tools like SMAART, SysTune or REW) and replicate the responses for DSP using our software. However accurately measuring the PMC crossovers can be tricky since they are optimized specifically for the PMC loudspeaker drivers, which have specific electrical properties – e.g. resistance and inductance. (For example measuring the crossovers without load or into a resistive dummy load will give different results than having the actual drivers connected.) I suggest discussing this with your friend who initially helped you.

      You can also do acoustic measurements, then design DSP settings with our software, but again this requires you taking meaningful measurements – maybe even anechoic or quasi-anechoic – and not simply on-axis measurements in your listening room. We don’t provide guidance or training on how to best take acoustic measurements. Each loudspeaker designer does things differently and in ways which best suits their goals, including dispersion and tonal characteristics.

      EA Support

      • This topic was modified 3 weeks, 3 days ago by EA Support.

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