Support Forums Forums FIR Designer Support IIR filter export for SigmaStudio

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    • 2 March 2022 at 8:46 am #448

      >> From Pablo
      >> Can I export the resultant filters just as bi-quad coefficients? I intend to
      >> use SigmaStudio to implement the filters to experiment with. Is there any elegant
      >> way to do this? Thanks!

      Yes. The IIR text file export includes parameters and raw coefficients. Here’s an example.

      IIR Mode: General
      Sampling Rate: 48000 Hz
      HPF_BUTTERWORTH, 100.000 Hz, Order 2
      b0:0.9907866979404248 b1:-1.9815733958808497 b2:0.9907866979404248
      a0:1.0000000000000000 a1:-1.9814885091445689 a2:0.9816582826171297
      BAND_PASS, 798.975 Hz, BW 2.000 (Q 1.181), -9.844 dB
      b0:0.9149139694086420 b1:-1.7423403567475080 b2:0.8369951443360086
      a0:1.0000000000000000 a1:-1.7484033165868871 a2:0.7579720735840295

      Best regards,
      EA Support

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