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    • 2 February 2025 at 11:25 am #990

      Hello Eclipse Audio, a really great product, I’ve been eyeing this for several years but never dared to buy it because it costs a little more for a hobby. I have now bought it and am trying to get to grips with the program. The first thing I noticed was that I would like to have this feature, otherwise the price just for AUTO PHASE and AUTO MAG wasn’t worth it and I’m very disappointed. I think this implementation would be very helpful to all FIR Designer users and absolutely comfortable for the scope of the program.
      Example: I load a measurement from R.E.W into FIR Designer from the midrange left. Just smooth the phase to get a good IR. I do the same with the other side, midrange on the right, phase smoothing. If both are identical, I have to take a sum measurement via binaural HEAD, measure each individual speaker EQ and further edit it with FIR Designer. Unfortunately that doesn’t work, or I couldn’t find a tutorial for it. It’s only possible, once everything and it’s over, or just one thing and it’s over. I think that’s stupid. Many people will want to measure, adjust, measure and fine-tune. how does dis work with FIR designer. (Import RePhase measurement, manually smooth, create file. -measure- existing project remains open, bypass existing settings, import new measurement, manually smooth, old settings again from bypass to activate and create file.) This is exactly what I need.
      I imagine it to be the same in FIR Designer. Open project, import measurement, make adjustment, explicitly AUTO phase/AUTO mag, save, carry out measurement again, in the existing open project, insert either a second or third measurement, which can then be created in the same project file for fine tuning. Maybe first to smooth and control the frequency response, and in the second instance phase adjustment etc. you offer unlimited FILTER for auto phase and MAG, how should they be used, I don’t quite understand, 1 auto EQ from to smooths everything, it’s not a multichannel FIR and can’t import multiple answers. I hope I was able to express myself a little and you can help me with the feature. Thank you and best regards EDDI

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