I’m having trouble importing files for viewing in the supplementary response section as polars. The files I’m trying to load are from EASERA and names are formatted as IR000000.etm where the first 000 are meridians and the second 000 are parallels.
When I import the files, it appears that the curve for the first file is replicated as the curve for every file uploaded. This is not the case when using the averager or other areas of FIR Designer.
I’m currently working with a serious time crunch and would appreciate a solution as quickly as possible. I looked through the online documentation and I didn’t find anything helpful.
Files are loaded in alpha-numeric order, so yes, EASERA data sets will appear to replicate. The quickest solution right now is to chose a subset of the files that you care about, put them in a separate directory, check that they are in alpha-numeric order (and rename if necessary) then load the directory into the Supplementary Responses window. The angle label doesn’t matter; all that matters is that they filenames are in order and the files each represent roughly a consistent angular spacing. Then on the Supplementary Responses polar view, you can set the angle range manually.
We are looking into implementing a custom importer for EASERA data sets, but even for meridian-parallel sets, we would have to prompt the user for the desired 2D slice through the 3D data.
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