Support Forums Forums FIR Designer Support Room correction?

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    • 25 February 2024 at 4:32 pm #782

      I’m interested in purchasing your product. Are there more details regarding how to design a combination of IIR and FIR for room correction?

      This tutorial shows room correction using IIR filters.

      IIR Room Tuning with FIR Designer

      This tutorial shows loudspeaker correction with FIR.

      FIR Filter Design for Loudspeaker Equalization

      I suggest considering the workflow from the IIR tutorial, using IIRs for HP, LP and shelf filters, then continuing with the FIR tabs to complete the correction. With regards FIR filter length, it depends on what processors you have.

      You can also download demo versions of FIR Designer from, and experiment with the workflow.

      Best regards,
      EA Support

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