How do I send you guys a project file, (or post screen shots in the forum) ?
Thanks for the quick response.
Just installed 4.3.11. And getting same problem.
I’m on Win 11 Pro 10.0.22631 Build 22631.
I’ll email a project file example.
Thx, Mark
Thanks for that. It’s been interesting experimenting with the auto-IIR.
I’m using Q-SYS which allows up to 256 biquads per channel. And given how quick and easy it is to export however many filters/biquads into a qsys schematic, the smoothing limit essentially goes away. 100 filters gets the ole CPU going! lol
Realizing it’s often not a good idea to reduce smoothing (just like with auto-FIR), it’s still fun to compare/listen to, various levels of smoothing.
Nice job with the auto-IIR !
Now, can you get auto-IIR to include target matching to crossovers too? 🙂
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